Hello 2021

Posted by Carey Nuss on

Well phew the end of the year has gone thankfully. What a hard we have had and besides myself I am sure there are many of you that have struggled throughout this pandemic. It definitely has affected all of our lives and countries throughout the world. Some of us have lost jobs some of us have lost our business and some of us have lost loved ones and not all from the pandemic. I t has though etched into our daily lives and will change us all I fear forever.

bye 2020

Im sure to their are those of us that have lost loved ones throughout the year as well and you to say I send my love and many condolences as we to have been there throughout 2020 losing a loved one. Having a minimised funeral has been extremely difficult and so has not being able to attend them or travel to loved to attend to support my friends and family as well as being able to say goodbye.

I am extremely grateful I am still here though and Ive seen our community buckle under as a whole as well. I definitely have missed attending the events that are usually on throughout our community and after those many months of fires on top of things the North East Here in Victoria Australia has definitely had a disastrous year for 2021.


fire and smoke


Ive had health problems from the smoke and fires, ive  had surgery cancelled a few times and not being able to see family has been the hardest of all. Ive watched friends lose their business as well from struggling throughout the pandemic and I have quite a lot of problems myself with not being able to do walk in store trade mainly, had difficulties buying stock, buying wool and buying dyes. I have though tried to hang in their most of all which Ive done from all your marvellous support buy reading my posts, chatting to me on messenger and facebook and most of all by your support in purchasing from our little home based business in rural victoria.

So, Thank You And Yes Bye 2020 -  Hello 2021!

Throughout all of covid we have all crafted and Im sure we will still be crafting throughout 2021. Hmmmm, I was just thinking I had a huge stah last year which I didn't quite manage to get all through So hmmm, How Large is my personal stash going to get this year, Lol! As I am restricted to being inside my home due to my age and health problems and the pandemic again here in victoria australia.

I took the time to slowly expand last year a little with my business and will continue to try and do it again this year as well until we have a cure or get some form of normality in lives again. Hopefully the world will get to stage where we have an inoculation to help us all throughout the world so this horrible disease stops killing people.


welcome 2021

 With your support Ill continue to battle through hanging onto our little home based business in the bush in Victoria Australia.

So look for the updates as I battle on, lol. I also hope to have more patterns for you to enjoy along the line as well as new products! Welcome 2021 however and lets hope its definitely a better year for us all!

   I hope to maintain my fitness and get a little healthier as beinside continually hasn't also been at all good for me the pandemic though as it hits throughout its waves is giving many of us restrictions and difficulties to face!

   My biggest hurdles atm at security updates for my shopify store, banking security as the world moves to online shopping and then there's deliveries in and out. There have been so many demands on postal services throughout the world as air and sea freight changes with air flight limits, sea freight is limited to the pandemic and as the pandemic changes throughout the world so does all of our lives.

So as we all settle into a New Year Id like to say Hi Hello, hope you all have a happy and industries year crafting for 2021 and I'll look forward to seeing you all more throughout the year. You can follow us on Facebook, Pinterest & Instagram folks. Stay Safe, Stay Well & Keep Crafting.

crafting groups

Remember to keep popping on to our store for Free Patterns, New Products and store updates, plus of course to also keep up with all the changes as we move through another year with this pandemic for 2021.

As I am not able to hold group knitting classes in my home due to covid19 again I am hoping to do one on one Peruvian Knitting Classes at some point of the year locally. So stay tune for news their later on in the year as the pandemic permits and we open up again.

   At the moment I have brought a Cricut machine to play on and am learning to make vinyl decals and subthermal prints for doing t shirt printing plus I hope to get to point where I am also crafting Wood rounds, at the moment its a case of buy materials craft and learn. Once the group Im in let me know Im good enough Ill advertise some items and services on my website. Hopefully at some point this year I'll be able to open to in store trade again as well and as Health permits, currently waiting on eye surgery for cataracts so Im also not knitting at present either something I am missing Immensely.

   I am though still operating online with the online store 24/7 with deliveries going out daily currently due to air and sea freight changes, click on the Blue Link Here to read about the New January Store changes due to coronavirus.

Stay Safe, Stay Well & Keep Crafting.

Caszs Country Crafts

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