Being Covid Safe Our Business And Regional Victoria

Posted by Carey Nuss on

Caszs Country Crafts is now compliant with the QR entry code system.
"For businesses that have not previously been mandated to use the Victorian Government QR Code Service prior to 11:59pm June 10, 2021 an enforcement amnesty is in place until 11:59pm 24 June.
For retail businesses which were mandated on 3 June 2021, an enforcement amnesty was in place until 17 June.  All businesses will now need to have adequate signage and ways for people to log into their business with the Victoria Government QR System." Carey

 Why Do I Need To Check-In?

When you check-in, you create a record of the time and date you visited a venue.

This means that if there is a COVID-19 outbreak, contact tracers can quickly access your contact information and get in touch with you, if you’ve visited a public exposure site. This will help to contain a COVID-19 outbreak.

Entry even for a Click And Collect order must Check-In with the QR Code System.

Do I need to check out? How long is my visit recorded for?

Once you use the Service Victoria app to check-in to a location, you do not need to check-out. You must check-in each time you visit a venue, regardless of how long you are there. For example, if you visit a supermarket in the morning, you must check-in, if you visit the same supermarket again in the afternoon, you must check-in.

How Will Contact Tracers Know How Long I Visited A Venue For?  

When you check-in via the Service Victoria app, your name and contact details are recorded. If the location you visited becomes a COVID-19 exposure site, the Victorian Department of Health contract tracing teams will speak with you directly about the timings of your visit.

Contact tracers may also use other information such as shopping receipts or bank transaction records to help determine where you have been and how long you were there for.  

How Many Times Do I Need To Check-In To My Office Each Day?  

You only need to check-in to your office once a day when you first arrive. If your office becomes a COVID-19 exposure site, the Victorian Department of Health contact tracing team will speak with you directly about the specific timings of your day in the office.

Where Do I Need To Check-In?

All workplaces must use the free Victorian Government QR Code Service for record keeping. For instructions on how to register for the service, please go to Register to use the  Victorian Government QR Code Service. 

Using other QR code services

There are many digital check-in solutions available for businesses, organisations, clubs, or events to use.

Businesses that are required to use electronic record keeping, must use the free Victorian Government QR Code Service. This ensures that the electronic record keeping system you have in place will be able to easily access information with Victorian Department of Health contact tracing systems if required.

If a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified, this helps to quickly point their contact tracing team members in the right direction.

If a COVID-19 case is identified

If your business, organisation, club, or event is identified as having potentially been visited by someone with COVID-19, Victorian Department of Health contact tracers will contact the venue directly.

Storing data

All check-in data is housed in secure databases managed by Service Victoria, the Victorian Government’s online hub for transacting with government. Unless Department of Health contact tracers request data for COVID-19 contact tracing purposes, it is automatically deleted after 28 days.

Deleting data

Unless the Department of Health requests data for COVID-19 contact tracing, it is automatically deleted after 28 days. Information about your business (eg. name, address and contact details) will remain on the database. Please note caszs country crafts also deletes its electronic data every 28 days from our covid safe records.

Requirements For Check-Ins

To support contact tracing, if a person (including staff) is at your location most businesses, workplaces and premises must record the person's:

  • first name
  • last name
  • phone number

Data Privacy

No details cannot be given to anyone other than a government directed personal in the case of someone who has visited the premises and become positive with a case of coronavirus. They are the only people who can access any information this to is normally as to a certain date and time that they will be looking for.

”Data can only be accessed for the specific purpose of contact tracing in the event of an outbreak. We are unable to provide any usage statics of the QR Code Posters within our business to anyone else.”

In The Event Of A Positive Case

In the event a customer or member of the public has visited us and becomes positive with covid a poster will be visible with the dates time that Vic health are interested in we do not do any contact tracing ourselves this is done by the Victorian government health department!

Is There A Manual Check-In Option?

Yes. The Service Victoria App has a manual check-in option, this can be used by entering the 6-character unique Location Code that appears below the QR code on any displayed Victorian Government poster.


New Restrictions regional Victoria Friday 18th June, 2021.

From 11:59 pm on Thursday, 17 June 2021, if you live in regional Victoria: Anything coloured blue also pertains to caszs country crafts we are bound as a small business and being a family based business t is important to keep you and ourselves safe!

  • There are no restrictions on the reasons to leave home but staying COVID Safe remains important.
  • There are no restrictions on travelling to metropolitan Melbourne. 
  • You can have up to 5 adults visit your home once per day.
  • Face masks are mandatory indoors, except at your home.
  • Face masks are recommended outdoors where you cannot maintain 1.5m from others.
  • If you have any symptoms, no matter how mild you must get tested for COVID-19.

Social gatherings

  • Up to 5 adults can visit a household once per day. Babies under 12 months are not included in this cap, and other dependants can also attend if they cannot be left unattended or cared for in another setting. The 5 people may be from different households and may visit together or separately. If you receive 5 visitors in a day, you can still visit another household who is yet to have visitors.
  • You can see friends and family outdoors in a public place in a group of up to 50 people. A public place is an area accessible by members of the public like a park or the beach. It does not include your backyard at home. 

Work and education

  • If you can work or study from home, you should continue to do so. If you can’t work from home, you can go to work. 
  • Schools and universities remain open. 
  • Offices can increase to 75% capacity or 30 people, whichever is greater.

Religion and ceremony

  • Religious gatherings and ceremonies are allowed with a maximum of 300 people per venue (indoors and outdoors) and a requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm.   
  • You can have a wedding with up to 50 people at a venue. This limit includes the couple and two witnesses. The celebrant, and a photographer are in addition to the cap. If a wedding is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply.
  • Funerals are allowed with up to 100 people. This limit doesn’t include babies under 12 months of age, or the people required to conduct the funeral. If a funeral is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply.
  • There are no restrictions on those travelling from metropolitan Melbourne to regional Victoria for weddings and funerals. 

Sport and recreation

  • Community sport continues for all ages, including training and competition. Contact and non-contact sport outdoors continues. Outdoor sporting events with more than 1000 people attending are not permitted unless approved to proceed under the Public Events Framework.
  • Indoor and outdoor physical recreation is open, with class sizes of up to 50 people, plus people required to conduct the activity (such as a trainer running a gym class). 
  • Indoor sporting events with more than 300 people in a single space, or outdoor sporting events with more than 1,000 people attending are not permitted unless approved to proceed under the Public Events Framework.
  • Equipment must be cleaned between uses. You should wear a face mask when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained, unless you are out of breath.

Retail and hospitality

  • Shops are open with a density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm. While shopping you need to adhere to the patron limits per shop. This limit on patrons is in place to ensure everyone in the shop can keep 1.5 metres distance.
  • Beauty and personal care services are open. Masks can be removed when needed to complete the treatment. 
  • Restaurants and cafes are open with up to 25 people before density requirements apply. A density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm and a maximum of 300 people (indoors and outdoors). Group sizes are limited to 50 people. This limit on customers for seated service is in place to ensure everyone can keep 1.5 metres distance. Food courts can also re-open with a density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm with a maximum of 300 people per venue (indoors and outdoors).
  • Smaller hospitality venues (less than 600 sqm) that choose to have a COVID Check in Marshal at the entrance ensuring mandatory check-in by patrons using the Service Victoria app may operate with a density requirement of 1 person per 2 sqm or a venue cap of 150 people, whatever is less. If no COVID Check in Marshal is present these venues must operate using a density requirement of 1 person per 4 square metres or 25 patrons, whichever is larger.


  • Community facilities including libraries can open with 300 per venue (indoors and outdoors), and a maximum group size of 50.
  • Smaller community facilities (less than 600 sqm) that choose to have a COVID Check in Marshal at the entrance ensuring mandatory check-in by patrons using the Service Victoria app may operate with a density requirement of 1 person per 2 sqm or a venue cap of 150 people, whatever is less. If no COVID Check in Marshal is present these venues must operate using a density requirement of 1 person per 4 square metres.
  • Bars, karaoke facilities and nightclubs are open with seated service only (dancefloor closed), a density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm and a cap of 300 people indoors.
  • Indoor seated venues such as cinemas can have 50% seated capacity and up to 300 people per venue. Non-seated indoor venues have a density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm and are capped at 300 patrons. 

Face masks

  • Face masks must be carried at all times and must be worn indoors. You do not need to wear a mask in your own home or if a lawful exemption applies.
  • Face masks are recommended outdoors where physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be maintained, for example, at a busy open-air market.

Regional Link Update:

Service Victoria App Links


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