Caszs Country Crafts Important Update Returning To Work Full Time!
Posted by Carey Nuss on
Hello Everyone
Tomorrow I am travelling to Melbourne for what we hope will be my second last monthly appoint at Saint Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne. I hope to be back home over the weekend sometime so will have some more news for you all early next week.
My last post I had done was advising you all of my operation and than being ill. I am managing to swallow liquid foods now safely so I'm not aspirating all the time now and am having very few episodes of fluid on the lungs now. My speech is understandable again and getting clearer every day and for the first time in many years I was happy to have a photo taken of me .....
So, here is a pic from the dentist chair of my new lower face, pallet, top plate and implant base. Id been in the chair about 4 1/2 hours when it was taken so yes swollen dentist mouth picture he he .... Its been over 5 years of this half of the journey alone with my Jaw Bone reconstruction being done and then all the reconstructive work being done and I am looking forward to being home again and being able to return to work! - Soon! So for those of you who haven't been on my Facebook this is me Carey nicknamed Casz from Casz's Country Crafts. Due to the disabilities I now have from all of my cancer operations over the years and age now I've had to do some restructuring of what I am wanting to produce for you with our home based business here in Wangaratta, Australia.
When we reopen a lot of the changes are going to be implemented fairly quickly as a lot of the base work I've now done and am ready to go..o..o..o!
Life after cancer is finally a reality!
Their are a few transformations first one Im introducing is YouTube Videos of dying techniques and dye reactions; You can donate to this one through Pay pal. The link for the donation is linked into the photo so press on the photo and it will take you to a donation button through PayPal.
Donations can be anonymous or you can have your name and company advertised at the beginning and end of the video with your branding and business information, or just opt to have me keep your information private, please leave your details and preferences as a note when donating.
Money donated here will be kept at a tally so as it is completely open with donations received, purchase costs. I am aiming to use to use this money to purchase different fibres and dye them live each month with how im doing it, dyes and fibres used and of the course the end product! - Which will at times be open to purchase with the end results live on the day of the video release. YourYour donation is for the chemical results with the fibre used and the production costs for the YouTube videos.
Buying fibre tends to be expensive ranging anywhere from $15 each a skein up to $29 for a specialised artisan fibre, Wool buy the kilo $90 to $160 - dyes are various on the market but I am going to be changing my dye stock to an Australian Dye Companies dye stock for the first year from Kraftcolour they produce a wide range of natural and permanent dyes which are made here in Australia, they tend to be known for their Landscape bright and seasonal tones, plus an extremely wide range of dyes and fabrics they can be dyed on.
So if you would like to donate to purchase dyes and fibre please
press on the above picture or below to donate.
As to the plant equipment stoves, masks, tools, jugs, tongs etc are that of my own stock plant equipment on plant equipment id like to purchase some large stainless steel Bay Marie tubs for holding 4 skeins at a time on my 5 stoves to show more in-depth tutorials for you all to follow, however if you'd also like to donate to plant equipment please add a note in your donation section of message to me please so that money is tally-able otherwise I'm going to have a very cross accountant! - He he .....:) ...
My monthly blogs and free patterns will start back up again as of February so as to give me a full of month of inter-grating all the you-tube videos and editing, plus the introduction of Knitting classes to Casz's Country craft's.
Personalised knitting classes will be open & commence as of February, 2020 once the kiddies go back to school after the Christmas break holidays.
I'm advertising them now as due to there costs of the personalised classes, equipment & lesson plans I need to know the number pretty urgently for this one due to material costs and lesson planning, projects will be worked out on a persons skill level. There will be a new project for you to complete each fortnight.
So, bookings are now open & it is essential places are booked early, you can always cancel if something comes up or change to another day if it is available. However on some things and difficulties including commitments and work Personalised one on one classes can also be booked they though are Email, email me for applications and information, days, bookings etc etc......
Peruvian Knitting Classes will be a group of four over
a twelve week period of six classes every fortnight with available times for day, night and weekend classes. I didn't want to do a class any bigger then 4 as its more personalised and will give more time to teach you individually as well as with in a group.
All class materials and lessons plans are included in this one as well as a full set of interchangeable knitting needles and crochet hooks, fibre is supplied and so are the patterns. Should you have any major issues you will always be able to reach me buy email, phone or book a catch up for teaching you how to solve your particular problem.
So, if you have problems with English or Continental knitting styles or tension gauge problems than this is the class for you! - Learning the Peruvian Knitting method whether your experienced, wanting to learn, brush up on techniques or just speed than this class is perfect for you.
If the classes go well over the first 6 months I will also introduce On-Line Knitting Classes! - Where you can log into a personalised class with all of the same benefits as in house teaching class but instead of one on one face to face by person we can chat by video link directly or email even maybe use messenger. - How's that for you all!
Lay-buy option is available for paying off your class fees. Please email me at to apply for lay-bye payment scheme form, 20% Deposit is required on booking as class numbers, days and times are limited so they WILL sell out quickly. I've a few women from Facebook & Messenger already on the wait email list. So, dont forget to drop me a line by Email for class details, times, bookings and availability!
With fighting cancer for nearly 11 years I have my Survivor Status now too - Ye aha! So pretty stoked about all of the updates. My new liquid foods are pretty expensive and so the gym classes bring my general fitness up so I can return to work full time/partime till I'm fit enough. Life after cancer is finally a reality and so is having to pay it for it all on my own finances now so hence the restructuring plans and donation feature's.
I have over $10.000 in stock here now but still need to buy the last of my Commercial Plant Equipment to get me over the last hurdle of setting up and operating fully. I've still the following Commercial grade equipment I need to buy most of it is electric so I can wind, dye and spin, etc etc ... Equipment on the last of the list of Planned Plant Equipment needed are;
1/ Ashford's 2 electric card wide drum carders to cover the large range of raw fibres. Being what card readers do .... They Card and blend fibres and colours quickly and efficiently. The 120 point models for store classes and demonstrations I need at least two of each one for me to use and 1 for individual learning experiences.
This new model has even more flexibility and control when carding and blending. The controlled intake and carding will produce a smooth even batt ready for blending, spinning or felting. (Video link attached to picture)
(My goal/ dream eventually is to buy a Lout Electric Drum Carder once I'm selling enough stock to re-bank profits into the business I hope to purchase at least 2 big items a year just before the end of the financial tax year, my accountant said this was the best way to do this. The goals finer and larger quantities of spinning fibre and batts to produce my own yarns plus batts and spinning fibres for other spinners from local farmers with in Australia, Crafts displays as there 12 volt as well.)
1/ A Heavy Duty Electric Commercial electric Skin Winder from Nancy's Knit Knacks, also with the cone adaptor to go onto the skein winder to wind cones from home made fibre plus an Commercial electric Ball winders, I already have the meter reader for this, the meter reader measure's how much yarn is on your skein plus a few other accessories for both my spinning wheels and Nostpine.
Her model holds a few skeins at once and can be motorised for easier use and production. I already have 1 single hand wind for classes at the moment so it takes me quite a while to skein up 10 to 40 skeins over a few days/weeks atm this equipment will allow me to do 30 to 40 a day - a big difference! ( The video links the blue worded and underlined words as to what I am talking to you about.) Due to the costs of these products I can not purchase them myself without your help....
3/ Four Ash ford Blending Boards and brushes buy 4 to also be used in classes and to sell rollags and art batts plus teach beginners how to use them as well. Id also like to use them at craft fairs so children and adults can have the experience of raw wool plus dyed fibres.
Buying Fibre by the 1 kilo lot weight to use for classes free and paid, all equipment from Plant Equipment and Fibre and Dying will also be used to conduct displays a Local Community Events throughout our region for educational purposes. But that too is putting me on financial strain so will be setting up something through Go Fund Me for donations or Pay Pal towards regaining my Personal Improvements / fitness/ speech therapists and dietitians and to help me finish buying the rest of the Plant Equipment.
I now need for my business. So as to go into full production..... as a home based wool store selling hand spun n dyed fibres, crochet & knitting Accessories, Needles & Hand made gifts, Knitted and crocheted garments from other fellow crocheters & knitters with there finished products being crochet. knit, wood turned, accessories plus of course wool of the farm, cleaned, dyed, blended & spun for you purchased hand dyed, hand dyed skeins & centre wound yarn cakes, plus more.....
This is what rolag's produced on this blending board look like...
I'm hoping the Art Batts and Rolag's sold will help fund the processed and raw fibre we need for the classes from sale. Anyone donating over $100 to Plant Equipment will receive a Personal Gift from us to you for your donation unless you choose to remain anonymous. Donated equipment will be tagged with who has donated and a certificate on display in on my donations wall in our new shop currently being built in my garage and carport Plus a private gift from our indie dyed and home spun yarns business.
I've a house full of stock and equipment through out my whole home and two bedrooms now which I now needed to move and set up as a fully open shop, with waiting room, lounge for personalised classes and a ton of photography and recording equipment need to produce all of this.
Products brought through donation to will be recorded publicly as to what is purchased and the use, plus any associated costs. My accountant through town who has helped me deal with all my planning & business receipts.
He has advised me though I need to do a final push now with getting set up and operating due to the taxation's business requirements and gst registration and getting going now fully now I'm returning to work, So yes I am at a stage of asking for help & assistance with finishing getting my business up and running with returning to work after fighting cancer for 10 1/2 years now through Pay pal donations and Go Fund Me. Go Fund me will be set up shortly once I'm back from Melbourne.
You can make a one off donation or a reoccurring monthly donation to this feature including the choice of publicly being advertised or choosing to remain anonymous. Once again click on the pictures above for opening links plus any blur underlined word or sentence and they will open the links on the products for you.
Well that's it's for me at the present moment in time. I will keep you all updated as to dates, donations, donations of equipment, Subscription applications and forms etc...
The opening dates will be posted early next week, until then Im hoping you are as excited as I am as to returning to work full time here from my Home Based Business which wouldn't run without all of you supporting me so a very big thank you for all of you throughout my Cancer, my Reconstruction journey and the last 18 months of slowly putting my business together. Now!!!! For the jump, full opening and operation, classes, craft fairs and YouTube videos. There is a lot of new services and products coming soon! -
Don't forget to leave a donation through PayPal if you'd like to assist me in anyway for form. I will also put links up on my Facebook, Pint-rest and Instagram sites for you all as well.
Donation Button Link Pay Pal : press blue writing with line under on left.
Donations of equipment are also appreciated as I realise people retire from their crafts too, and equipment can be put to good use with Community Craft Fairs and Local Services Introduced into the community teaching children & adults about wool, fibre, dyeing, crochet and Peruvian knitting!
Delivery address for direct donations & deliveries is
Caszs Country Crafts
2 Rangeview Avenue
Wangaratta. 3677
Victoria Australia.
Have a lovely week everyone - wont you!
I hope you enjoyed all my news I've actually had quite a few busy months being off sick, researching, buying equipment myself too, chatting to mentors and my accountant, Plus putting class plans together & learning to use my E-Book Publications for release in January 2020, attending Cancer Wellness Classes, Speech therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietitians & Sports dietitian appointments and so very much more .... including buying more undyed skeins for hand dyeing, Lol.
Carey, Caszs Country Craft's
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